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Memorial Middle School Council

Parent Liaison Contact: Montini Gates [email protected]
[email protected]            

Twitter Page: @MemorialMSCouncil



Purpose: To bring the community of parents and businesses together and alongside teachers and school administrators in an effort to create a better understanding of and mutual respect for each other’s concerns while sharing ideas for school improvement.


Membership on the Council is open to: parents, business representatives, teachers, a PTSA representative, a student council member(s), staff member and the school principal. Council members serve as volunteers and serve in accordance with the school’s bylaws.


Current Council Members

Members names, Company, Title and email addresses and our social media handles.


Role: To provide advice and recommendations to the school principal and, when appropriate the local board of education and local school superintendent, on any mater related to student achievement and school improvement regarding (including but not exclusive to the following)


  • School board policies

  • School improvement plans

  • School-community communication strategies

  • School budget priorities


Elections take place in May.


Meetings of the Council are open to the public and are typically held on a monthly basis. They are subject to the presence of a quorum to be able to conduct official school council business. Meetings typically last for approximately one hour on the MMS campus. Please see our calendar for dates, times and locations.


Established: November 28, 2012: in accordance with Rockdale County Public Schools




Email: [email protected]            

Twitter Page: @MemorialMSCouncil